You Are Not Your Habits
Over time we all seem to adjust to our situation and get into habits. Some habits are great ways to make sure you get things done because you always do the same thing in the same way. But we can also get into a habit that, over time, either become stressed or numbs us out.
I have just completed running a 10-day challenge on lifestyle changes. Every time I run one of these challenges, I am so happy to see how simple little changes can have a big impact. Many times during the day, we have a choice to make about how we will react, respond or adjust to improve our day. It all begins by noticing when we have discomfort in our body, mind, or mood. Instead of viewing these as negative, we can think of them as gentle warnings. Things will get worse if you continue with your habits that give you these warning signs. Things will get better if you make adjustments. Use these little nudges from the body and mind. Change your body position, your mindset, or take a break. You may find it helps.
Photo by sunyu on unsplash
Your body is an amazing thing. It will try to adapt to whatever situation you put it in. There are mechanisms to cool the body when it is too warm, and to cool the body when it is too hot. The immune system protects you and the musculoskeletal system supports the body. When the body gives you a signal that what you are doing is not working, you need to listen. Pushing through pain is not the best idea. Not only physical pain but also mental and emotional pain. Signals from the body are calls to check things out. Whatever you are doing is going to cause a problem.
Another thing I notice is that we are at a loss about what to do about these signals. We tend to think other people will be able to tell us what we need to do. Take a step back, see what you are doing or feeling and to make a shift to a new position or perspective. Rather than ignoring the signals take time to work through the issue. Figure out a way to relieve the discomfort.
As a result of teaching yoga and presenting at health fairs, I wanted to bring yoga to some new populations. If your body has aches at the end of the day you need a change in your position. Stress and worry can take the joy out of life and you may need to find more effective ways to deal with it. I have compiled a set of short videos with physical and lifestyle practices that can help you break habits that no longer work for you. As I release some new courses, I am offering my Lifestyle challenge once more. This challenge will start on March 23 and go for 2 weeks, on weekdays. Following the challenge, you will have the opportunity to look at the courses I have created. These practices go beyond what can be covered in a challenge and provide you with more information and resources.
The point of the challenge is to point out simple things you can do each day to make your day go a little smoother. Even if you do just one thing, one change, that can make a difference. I do not have a magical plan to make everything wonderful. The practices provide some ideas that can get you thinking. You may realize you have more control over your situation than you think you do.
The point of the challenge is to point out simple things you can do each day to make your day go a little smoother. Even if you do just one thing, one change, that can make a difference. I do not have a magical plan to make everything wonderful. The practices provide some ideas that can get you thinking. You may realize you have more control over your situation than you think you do.
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