Take care of yourself

This idea of small changes includes the concept of changing your habits. There are different ways to improve habits and I will be hosting a challenge to help modify your daily habits.  Taking care of yourself is more important than any other goal.

Photo by radu-florin on unsplash

Think of making small changes like water dripping on a rock.  Over time, even though the rock is hard the water will slowly wear away the rock. So instead of one giant move, change can be accomplished in more subtle ways, wearing away hard jagged areas and smoothing them out. Sometimes the more subtle way of changing can allow you to make adjustments. When you try to change too much too soon you often end up with a lot of unexpected obstacles all at once. Taking things step by step allows you to deal with one adjustment at a time.  

If, each day, you try one little change to improve your health and well-being you can see what works best for you.  When the change is effective it can lead to other changes and may even take you in a direction you did not expect. For example, taking a break, even for lunch,  is something people feel they can not take time to do. You may find that stepping away from what you are doing makes you feel refreshed and you find you come back to the tasks with a little more energy. This could encourage you to not only take your lunch time but also take breaks more often. Over time you may add some movement to your breaks, or a mindfulness session.  You are in control of the path you take.

The one thing to remember is that the changes, if nothing else, should be aimed at feeling better about yourself. Don’t think of the things you want to work on in your life are pass/fail options. You also do not need to have an A+ day every day or any day.  Keep the focus on what makes you feel best about yourself. Using this as a goal, more than sticking to the rule because that is what you feel you should do. Think more about the big picture. You know what will improve your self-image, health and self-esteem. 

We are not here to be perfect in every way. We are all here to be the best we can be and try and help others find the best in themselves. Encourage yourself as you would a good friend and keep the changes small.  See what happens over time.

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