Respond – don’t react
Look at who you trust to give you advice on the best way to move forward. It comes back to your values and belief systems. It also has to do with your tolerance, patience, and acceptance of the facts. The truth is, no one knows what the future brings. You are facing an uncertain path. Who do you want to follow? This applies to more than just the health issues we are dealing with right now. In all your choices you want the best information you can get.
Getting information and facing facts can also decrease stress. When you understand something you can deal with it better. It is like a small child who thinks someone is under their bed. Once the lights are turned on and they look under the bed they better understand that no one is there and their fears can be dealt with more effectively. As we get older we no longer fear the monster under the bed. This is true of all things. Remember when joining a Zoom meeting or working remotely was intimidating? By now, most of us are pretty comfortable and it does not stress you out anymore.
As adults we do have the ability to see beyond the current circumstance. This allows us to face challenges with more information. Reaction is an initial response. The quicker you can move from reaction to taking a look at the situation more objectively gives you the perspective to move forward. What is stressful for you and how can you look at it more objectively so that you can face it and make better choices.
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