Independence for all. Live up to the promise.
We just celebrated the 4th of July, when we declared our independence from Great Britain. Were our forefathers perfect? No, but they had a dream. We fought the Civil War to free the slaves. Did we achieve that goal? No, but we liked to think we did. Even the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s and the death of Martin Luther King Jr. did not truly “free the slaves.” Yet we fell into a comfortable ignorance until NOW. It took a video for us to believe with our own eyes. This was not fake news. This was not an isolated incident. Most police officers are good. But they, like us, like me, may have stayed silent when they saw abuse. Now we are not looking away. It is time for us to acknowledge our mistakes and how we have not fulfilled the promise of our Declaration of Independence.
So what does that have to do with yoga, self-care, mindfulness, and my business. EVERYTHING. So this is not a side-step from business as usual and more of an awakening of, not just the idea of it, but the living, breathing part of yoga. Yoga is about awareness- mind, body, breath and connection. It is an illusion that we are all separate. Everyone is connected. We are all here working together. Oppression and cruelty have an impact on all of us. When evil and violence are allowed to go unchecked it impacts everyone.
All of us are different but we all have dreams and ideals. We are here to help each other. When we lose sight of this we think everything is about ourselves- ME. MINE. MORE money, possessions, power and domination. When we invest in caring for ourselves it is not just to feel good. The point of the practice of yoga is to optimize your energy, your breath, and your connection. It is only when we clear away all the nonsense and come into your awareness that you can see beyond yourself and reach out to others. The pandemic showed us how we do not need as much as we thought we did to be happy. Now take time to bring positive change for the future.
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