by | Nov 18, 2019 | Heads Up Mondays
Stress Management Practices, Part 3: Collaboration Building on the skills you already have tried can be some of the most difficult stresses to deal with. Stressful situations take on a whole new dimension when you add in another or more people. A stop light is a stop...
by | Nov 11, 2019 | Heads Up Mondays
Stress Management Practices, Part 2: Tasks So last week I talked about dealing with stress. The example I used last week was your commute to work. Even though this can be very stressful it is not complex. There are much more complex issues that cause stress on the...
by | Nov 4, 2019 | Heads Up Mondays
Stress Management Practices, Part 1: Commute Managing stress does not remove the stressful situation. Stress management decreases the impact of stress on the body, mind and spirit. I am beginning a month of focusing on stress and how to find ways to manage...
by | Oct 28, 2019 | Heads Up Mondays
Appreciate Your Feet Feet are so abused these days. Those really great looking shoes that kill the feet, the distances we walk, the constant weight of the rest of the body on the feet all take their toll. The funny thing is, even though they do so much every day most...
by | Oct 21, 2019 | Heads Up Mondays
Finding Balance During the Change in Season The Fall/Spring is a time of change. No matter where you live this is a season of transition. Activities of the fall are very different from those of the summer. It is a time of change. This is also a time when you settle...
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