Slump Busters for the Mind and Body
The mind is an amazing thing. We can work non-stop for hours and time does not seem to pass at all. Other times we aren’t feeling fully engaged and charged by what we are doing. Tasks that we do not particularly enjoy can tire us out fast. Also, things we do over and over, that don’t engage the mind completely anymore can bring us into a slump.
Taking a break to clear the head is a great way to break a slump. If you can get up and walk around the office or, even better, go outside, you can come back and feel refreshed. This week I will bring in some ideas of how you can do simple movements that can pull you out of a slump. Changing the body position gets your blood pumping and gets oxygen moving to the brain.
Bringing movement into your day is a change for the brain and body. It wakes you up and occupies your thoughts. When you come back to whatever your task your are doing you have a fresh outlook
Changing your perspective can also pull you out of or prevent fatigue. When tasks become too routine that you can do it in your sleep try changing things up. Maybe do things in a different order so it requires you to engage in what you are doing more will help.
Change your location to break things up. Go to an empty conference room or to a space by a window so you have a new perspective. The change doesn’t have to be big. Out mind craves variety and a little challenge every day. By shifting things around you need to make adjustments that keep your brain engaged. When you do things in a new way your brain develops new connections and uses different areas. Troubleshooting and problem solving are great to keep the brain active
Some steps that can help with a mid-day slump:
- Take a break, preferably a physical break, but even a mental one
- Move your body.
- Change things up a bit to get a new perspective.
- Keep challenging yourself.
When the brain and the body stay active you are less likely to have a slump.
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash
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