Building awareness
There are things you do every day, over and over, that may be helping you or hurting you in one way or another. We will start with physical things you do- like the way you hold your body. Your body is meant to move and change position all the time. When we keep the body in one position for a long time it gets stiff and doesn’t move as well. At first this doesn’t impact you too much. After a little movement you are back to normal. However, if you continue to do this day after day the body gets more set and it takes longer and longer to loosen up. It is not so much that you are getting older, it’s that you have gotten your body to adapt to this routine. Breaking up the routine with regular movement- adding a little pause to just change things up. These changes receive and give new information about your body. Find ways that make it possible to awaken your muscles throughout the day.
Breaking up your patterns during the day goes a long way toward keeping you flexible, motivated and active.
Is it really easier to sit with your shoulders rounded or have we just gotten into a bad habit? The truth is that the body functions best when you feel supported. Your muscles, bones and body functions, like breathing, are all improved when we sit up tall.
We seem to forget as we get older that our bodies know what feels good and what doesn’t feel right. From years of ignoring cues and signals from the body we have gotten used to living with the discomfort. Yoga is a way to explore the movements of the body and finding what works and what is more challenging. We begin to retrain the muscles to support the body in postures that are more sustainable.
Take a moment today to just become aware;
- Are you really comfortable right now?
- Can you adjust something to get just 10% more comfortable?
- Are you focused on what you are doing?
- Can you decrease the distractions around you for just a moment?
- Be present in this moment where you are and see how that might change your day.
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